
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Pool sharks and Chinese food . . . Ethiopia Round 3, Day 24

This morning was an early visit to the hospital to get the complete for our Embassy appointment.  This time it was a quick 15 minute visit. 

We had a lazy afternoon at the guest house.  "M^" watched her Amharic music videos and played video games, Kevin took a nap and I caught up on some emails and such. 

Later in the day we headed out on the town.  Kevin, "M^", Nati, Josiah, Buggadu and I head out to play some pool.  A good time was had by all!

We all enjoyed Nati's trick shots!


After pool we headed to a restaurant that was new to everyone, even the locals.  It was the restaurant in the big Chinese hotel.  It was an experience for all of us!

Nati and Buggadu entertained us while trying to figure out their chopsticks.

The menu was . . . interesting.  The food came out and it looked . . . well . . . rather spicy!

I have never seen the Ethiopians get tears in their eyes for the heat of the food.  They like their berbere and their food very spicy.  When the waitresses brought our food out they also brought out 4 packages of tissues.  Now we know why!  The food was good . . . but, WOW, was it spicy!

We all had an amazing time trying something new!  It was a great night with some really great friends!  We tried for photos in the elevator.  However, selfie fail . . . 

We had to take two because I just couldn't get everyone in the frame!

This is what we love about spending time here.  We find friends where ever we go.  At dinner we were talking with our friends and they mentioned how blessed they feel to have us here.  They told us how they enjoy that we invite them to come eat with us and have fun with us.  Wait . . . we're the ones that are blessed to be here with them!!!  We always love inviting the guys at the guest house and our taxi drivers to eat with us and have fun with us.  It is our honor to call them among our friends.  We are blessed by the people we know and by the relationships we cultivate with them.  They are our neighbors and friends!  Once again we are reminded to love our neighbors!  I sense a running theme of our experience here in Ethiopia!

On a different note . . . we'd like to give a shout out to an amazing organization!  We received a substantial grant from A Child Waits Foundation.  Of all the grants we applied for this was the only one we were approved for and received.  We are extremely grateful to this organization for their generosity and willingness to help families adopt and to help children in need.  If you would like more information on this fabulous organization visit

Even though we are much closer to our goal because of this grant we are still working on our adoption puzzle fundraiser.  We still have 225 puzzle pieces available for a $10 sponsorship each.  So that means we're looking for 225 friends that might be willing to sponsor 1 piece of our awesome puzzle for $10.  If you're interested our fundraising site is    If you have already sponsored pieces from our puzzle thank you thank you thank you thank you!  We are so grateful for all the support we have already received from so many of our friends and family members!  You all are amazing!  Thank you for all of your support and prayers!

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