
Sunday, July 13, 2014

A day of shopping . . . Ethiopia Round 3, Day 13

So last night we lost power!  Here's my post from yesterday...

The guest house is pretty full lately.  This morning was lively for breakfast.  We enjoyed conversation with a group on a mission trip and the other adoptive family here.  After breakfast everyone else left and went their separate ways.  The group had plans north of the city.  The other adoptive family headed to the orphanage to get their sweet baby!  (We are so unbelievably excited for them!!!)  It seemed like another car wash morning!  First to wash the taxi driver's van. 

 So then . . . we decided to go shopping.  "M^" needed to have an Ethiopian cultural dress.  Kevin, Nati, "M^", our taxi driver and I went looking for her dress.  I think we went into 25+ shops.  At least she knew exactly what she wanted.  A white dress with fancy blue trim and wide shoulder straps.

Mission accomplished!  I need to add that this was Kevin's first experience shopping for special dresses with one of his daughters.  Pray for him . . . I think this was only the first of many times considering we have 5 daughters!  He was extremely patient and understanding!

After finding the perfect dress we ate lunch at a cafe that also doubled as an art gallery. The cafe sells art made by art students from the local university.  Beautiful paintings!

 As we were leaving the restaurant  it rained like crazy! 

 In addition to the rain, to further complicate the drive home it is university graduation day in Addis.  10,000 students finished their education today.  Families of 10,000 students filled the streets.  Taxis for all those people filled the roadways.  We are extremely excited for all of those folks celebrating (even if it meant a loooooong drive back to the guest house for us!)  It was really fun seeing all the happy faces in their black caps and gowns.  They all were very proud of their accomplishments and rightfully so!

Here is another memorial we saw in a round-a-bout as we drove around the city trying to make our way back to the guest house. 

Back at the guest house we had a wonderful time seeing the other family with their little guy.  He toddled around the courtyard playing with a ball.  His infectious giggles were joyful!  So much fun!  We were so humbled and happy to witness the pure joy of both the parents and their little one!

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