
Sunday, June 15, 2014

We have a PAIR letter . . . it's getting closer!

Yesterday we received a surprise in the mail.  We received our PAIR letter!  This letter is from the US government giving preliminary approval for us to adopt "M^" and for her to immigrate to the US.  This is a HUGE thing.  This letter was supposed to have taken quite a bit longer to receive.  I know, with all of my heart, that the prayers our friends and family say on our behalf are heard and answered.  The US government is taking the medical expedite request seriously.  Our case is moving faster that we originally expected it to at this point.  Praise God!

Here is where we are now . . . we are waiting on our MOWA letter.  This letter is from the Ministry of Women and Children's Affairs in Ethiopia.  The MOWA letter is the Ethiopian government giving us permission to adopt "M^".  This letter is all that is needed for our court date and travel date to be set.  It could arrive any day now.  It could also arrive 2-3 weeks from now.

That brings us to our prayer request for tonight.  Please pray with us that the MOWA letter comes as soon as possible.  I pray for God to work in the government officials hearts.  I pray they will be merciful to our daughter and our family.  I pray they will pen the letter and send it to the proper people as soon as possible.  Amen.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support!

In the meantime . . . Kevin and I still have work to do!  At the top of our list is another fundraiser.  Jessie, our dear friend, who happens to also be one of our former youth group kiddos (but all grown up now!) has painted some beautiful crosses to help us raise funds for "M^"s plane ticket home.  Pictures are below!  Each wooden cross is 16 inches high, 12 inches wide and 1/2 inch thick.  We have one of each style available.  We greatly appreciate her sharing her talent and being so generous in helping us with an adoption fundraiser.  If you are interested in purchasing one of these beautifully painted wooden crosses please contact me through my email,

#2 Ethiopia, $25 ($5 for shipping)

#3 Praise, SOLD

#8 Worship, $25 ($5 for shipping)

#10 Black and Green, SOLD

Thanks so much to the folks that purchased these beautiful crosses!

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