
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

"What are you looking for?" . . . A Lenten Devotion

As I was talking with my confirmation students in preparation for Lent this year we discussed the custom of people "giving up" things for Lent.  I encouraged them to consider instead of "giving up" something (like soda, chocolate, or ice cream) to take some time to give to God.  So I was encouraging them take time for prayer, reading their Bible, serving someone, etc. 

So I figure that if I am asking them to do that, I would as well.  I'm reading through a Lenten devotional book called "Who is That Man?" by Ray Pritchard.  I've never read this book before but it looks like an interesting concept.  He takes a question from the Bible to ponder each day.  So, feel free to join me on my Lenten journey if you wish!

Our question for the day is "What are you looking for?" (paraphrased John 1:38)  This question is a very appropriate one as we enter the time of preparation for Easter.  We often seek out God when we have questions about life.  Why do bad things happen to good people?  What happens when we die?  What am I being called to do?  This question from John 1:28 is Jesus asking the men following him what they are looking for.  We always ask so many questions of God.  It's intriguing to think of Jesus asking this of his disciples and us as well.  What are we looking for?  Are we looking for a God that we just have to visit for an hour a week up at a church building?  Are we looking for a God who will make us feel good?  Or are we looking for God to totally come and turn our lives upside down as He calls us to do His will in the world?  To me, this question sounds like an invitation.  In fact, Jesus' answer is simple, "Come and see." (paraphrased John 1:39) 

I invite you to think about what you are looking for.  See what God is up to in your life.

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