We returned home on June 22nd. Two days later I'm just now able to think somewhat clearly and not randomly drift into sleep. The past 3+ weeks have been fun, heartbreaking, hope-filled, adventurous, full of learning, bonding moments, memory-making, Spirit-filled, and centered squarely on Holy Ground. While it is tempting to look at the calendar and simply move on to the next thing, we simply can not.
Too many stories need to be told. Too many pictures need to have others' eyes gaze upon them. Too many moments have been put on our hearts and cry out to be heard and known.
In some ways, I am glad that the internet was sketchy during our trip. Now that we've returned, I can't simply sit and think of the next item on the calendar. I can't return to my lengthy to-do list. This experience must be processed, shared, and allowed to shape how we move from this point into the future. I am compelled to write the stories. As I edit the pictures, the Spirit speaks through the eyes and smiles of people we encountered. I relive moment after moment and struggle through what it means to share each one.
Over the coming days, I'll be posting about our experiences. I pray you'll join us in sharing these moments, both joyful and heartbreaking. You're invited to enter the story for yourself. See where you might be called to go. Ask questions. Engage. We're all on this journey together and we are certainly not alone.
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