Tonight I watched a not so little girl sit with her sisters and a pile of candy on the living room floor. The butterfly wings from her Halloween costume still draped over her shoulders. A smile spread over her face as they traded their Trick or Treat treasures.
I watch this young one and realize how far she has come since the first Halloween she spent as a part of our family.
Five years ago today, Kevin and I traveled with her on a long flight from Ethiopia. Fourteen hours were spent convincing a four-year-old we barely knew to keep her seatbelt on. I learned that I obviously had no idea how she desired her dinner roll to be cut and buttered. And finally, she was fairly occupied with the cartoons on the in-flight entertainment. We bustled through the Washington DC airport and nervously made our way through immigration and customs. Tired and hungry we poured ourselves into seats at Wendy’s in the terminal and treated ourselves to fries and chicken nuggets. It would be two more flights and then we’d be home.
Finally back in Wisconsin, we sat in baggage claim awaiting our friend and ride home. The hugs and congratulations of a friendly face were just what these weary travelers needed. In addition to welcoming our new daughter, he also remembered pieces I had forgotten… a car seat for the ride home and chocolate for a first Halloween treat. In the damp darkness, I sat in the middle of the van trying to keep my eyes open while Kevin made conversation about our journey. With each approaching headlight, I could catch a glimpse of her tiny hand clutching the melting chocolate. Her eyes closed while her deep breaths measured her sleep.
We arrived home to utter joy. The other girls had a multitude of excitement with the holiday festivities, parents arriving home and meeting their new sister. Nervous smiles greeted T as she entered the house. Hugs, presents, and tours of the house ensued. The night overflowed with love, anticipation, newness, and expectation.
I think back and it is difficult to realize that this was five whole years ago. It seems so recent, yet at the same time so far in the past. I think back to all the preparation for that one day. The paperwork, prayers, appointments, signatures, interviews, and assessments. I think back to the multitude of support we had from our community, family neighbors, and friends. The help with our other daughters, the prayers, letters on our behalf, support and love. Overwhelming and so good. So very good. Thank you.
My heart swells with remembrance. That feeling of love washes over me, again and again, each year that we celebrate T’s Gotcha Day. The love of adding a new daughter to our family carries enormous joy. The love and support from others emphasize how important community is to all of us.
So for that sweet little Halloween butterfly this year… we are so thankful that you are a part of our family. Your kindness and generosity overflow to everyone around you. Your smile brightens the darkest of days and your joy brings hope to others. We are beyond blessed to celebrate this occasion each year. Happy Gotcha Day T!
For those that may be new to our family’s story feel free to check out our previous blog posts…
To check out the post from our homecoming day…
To start at the beginning of our journey…