
Friday, December 5, 2014

Yes . . . really, another couple birthdays . . . Celebrating "M*" and "S"!

I know . . . the Burke family has MANY birthdays in the fall!  This previous week we celebrated 2 special young ladies!

 "M*" and "S" came into this world so tiny.  It took several weeks until they grew into their preemie clothes.

They were quick to walk and quick to talk.  Both of them had some places to go and things to say!

"M*" has always been curious about how things work.  At 2 years old she tried to take my mixer apart!

"S" is eager to smile.  She might be shy at times, but get her going and she'll never stop!

The girls love school.  From their first day of preschool until now they are eager to learn.

"M*" looks for wonder in the world.  She loves exploring what's around her.

"S" is a deep thinker.  She ponders things and will blow me away with the conversations we have.

They work together . . . on projects, on ideas, on helping their younger sister escape from her crib. 

They are both awesome sisters.  They love all of their siblings very much (even if they don't always show it!)

Both girls are goofy!  There are a lot of laughs and smiles in our house.

Kevin and I are both so proud of the young ladies "M*" and "S" are growing up to be.  They are kind, compassionate, happy, curious, eager and faithful.  We are infinitely blessed by them and I pray that they will be blessings to others as well.  Happy Birthday "M*" and "S"!

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