
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Burke Family Update . . . "M^"s health

It has been a little less than 2 months since we arrived home from Ethiopia.  A little less than 2 months since our daughter left her birth country and began life in a new family with a new language in a new culture.  It has been quite a couple months.

We have had so many people ask questions about how things are going.  We feel so loved and blessed because we have so many people concerned for us and our daughter.  The love and support is beyond amazing.

With so many people asking how life is going I figured I could answer some of the questions on our blog.  So here we go . . .

How has "M^"s health been?

This is a tricky question.  We want to maintain as much privacy for our daughter as possible while still letting all the people that love us know what is going on and what they should pray for.  There are so many people that care so deeply about her.

So here is the good news . . . she is doing well.  Her overall day to day health is good.  Aside from the normal "back-to-school" cold that ALL of our family caught "M^" is good.

Here is the bad news . . . the chronic situation that we were very well aware of is still a major problem.  We had her to the doctor as soon as we possibly could upon arriving home.  Our pediatrician is wonderful and she referred us to other doctors.  Those doctors didn't really know what to do and didn't seem terribly interested in helping come up with a plan.  So . . . unfortunately it has taken until now to get a doctor to be a driving force in her medical care.

So that brings us to what is going on now.  We are now with a specialist who is doing a great job of addressing the issue and also bringing other specialists on board.  Many tests have been ordered and completed.  This week we are hanging out at a regional children's hospital.  So far she's had some more tests done and as I type we're waiting on doctors to come together to decide how best to treat her chronic condition.  It will definitely be a long haul treatment plan.

Please pray for our sweet girl.  She's been suffering a long time and we're praying that we'll have some answers and relief soon!

The view from her hospital room.  I love watching the changing color!

It's been a long couple days here already!  However, we have some fabulous nurses and hospital staff.