
Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Candle for Preparation

It's now the end of the second week of Advent and we are praying for patience in this time of continued preparation.  It feels like the world is buzzing around us.  So many things that people are stressed about during Christmas-time.  We're doing our best to focus on Christ's presence among us.  We're also focusing to continue to help our family adjust to what it means to be a family of 6!  Here' a little of what the last week has brought to us during this Advent season.

Miss "T" has found a few favorites in her closet.  This being one of them.  It is a very special outfit because it was made for me by my paternal grandmother when I was little.  I am so glad that Miss "T" is enjoying it!

All four girls went with Kevin to buy our Christmas Tree.  It was quite the exciting event for all of them. As Advent rolls along we'll put lights and ornaments on . . . but for now it waits patiently!

Kevin also decorated the front trees with lights.  You can see them better in a picture farther below.  Pink lights on the tree and white on the trunk.  Why would he willingly decorate his house with pink lights, you ask?  Well . . . his little girls asked for pink lights, that's why.  Wow, how he loves his girls!

The pink lights at night!  Very fitting for a house full of little girls!

Miss "T" has now even moved further along with her adjustment to house pets.  She now helps take care of Thor.  She brushes him and gives him bear hugs too!  She insists that he sit with her while she watches Sesame Street in the mornings.  Needless to say we've been discussing what it means to be gentle. 

My creative girls "K" and "S".  This is one of their many creations.  They create entire playgrounds and doll houses out of foam sheets and tape.  I believe this particular example is two dolls in a bedroom complete with a bed, nightstand, and pictures hanging on the wall.  


Update on "T":

I have now heard her say that peas and raw spinach (with ranch dressing) are yummy.  Crazy I know!  How a child that would not TOUCH a veggie now actually likes a few is absolutely awesome to me!  

Each night I have the joy of rocking her AND she goes to sleep in her own bed without a fuss.

She absolutely loves copying EVERYTHING her sisters ("M*", "S", and "K") do.  Her sisters absolutely DO NOT love this.  It amazes me how quickly the "honeymoon" period ended.  Even though "T"s English is not fluent at all she still manages to tattle on them and of course they return the favor!

"T" is going to school now.  We placed her in a 4K class with the same teacher that "K" had last year.  I have been attending with her.  It has been absolutely wonderful for her!  She's made some friends and she already recognizes about 6 letters and can count to 20 in English.  She's definitely one smart little girl!  We're working on her writing her name. 

She has a new favorite pastime . . . jumping out and scaring people.  She has seriously got me a couple times.  She'll hide right at the side of a doorway.  She's good at it!

Each night our family does the Faith5, a nightly devotion (Share, Read, Talk, Pray, Bless).  If you're curious about it check it out at  When it comes time to ask each person what they want to pray for she always prays for the same thing - "M^", Uncle Blair, and thanking God for Christmas Trees!

I absolutely love how she makes sound effects when she's explaining something.  Driving cars, mixers, elevators, animals, microwaves . . . just to name a few.  She makes hand gestures and sound effects to explain and communicate most anything!  It's just so cute!


Update on "M^":

We have not had any communication with "M^" since we left her at the orphanage in Ethiopian in late October.  That has been really tough.  We pray for her each and everyday.  We can't wait to get further along with our paperwork and see when we're able to plan another trip to Ethiopia to bring her home.

For now we're concentrating on finishing up the necessary paperwork.  In addition we're having to think about fundraising for the necessary fees that accompany this journey to bring "M^" home.  For now we're concentrating on a puzzle fundraiser!

Here's how it works:
Those who choose to donate to The Burke Adoption Fund will purchase a puzzle piece(s). As pieces are purchased, we will assemble the puzzle and then have the name of the person and/or family donating written on the back.  We will periodically take pictures and post updates of the progress.  After the puzzle is completed and all of the names have been written, it will be a wonderful keepsake for our family to see all of the people who were part of bringing our girls home.  We will continue this fundraiser until all of the pieces have been purchased, even if we get to bring "M^" home before it is complete.  Cost of 1 Puzzle Piece = $10.  You may choose to purchase a single piece, or if you want to donate a larger amount, you may purchase as many pieces as you desire.  

How to Donate:

Check out our site on Go Fund Me.


Send a check made out to Burke Adoption Fund to our church.  Send me an email and I'll send you the address.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me.  We thank you for your consideration in donating.  I look forward to updating more about all of our children and our family. 


Thanks so much for reading our blog and keeping up with our journey!  We look forward to sharing with you what the next week of Advent brings!

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