
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ethiopian Adventure #2, Day 12

Day 12

This morning we were able to spend some time playing in the courtyard with “T”.  She LOVES bubbles and playing soccer.  We were very excited that she played with Kevin some this morning.  She’s slowly getting closer to him. 

This is our last full day here and we’re starting to get in the mindset of heading home.  We miss our others girls so very much!  We can’t wait to see them in 2 days!

There was one last shopping trip that we needed to make.  “T”s nanny has done so much for her that we wanted to give her a very special gift.  She LOVES movies!  So, we decided to buy her a personal DVD player.  Thanks to the help of another nanny we were able to find one.  We went and purchased it this morning.  It was so wonderful giving her that gift.  She was so very happy!  It makes us happy to be able to do that for her!

After lunch at the guest house we decided to take a nap.  That consisted of a little actual sleep for Kevin and “T” and I playing on the tablet.  Oh well!

This last evening in Addis Ababa was one of the most special times we’ve had here.  We were very honored with a special feast and coffee ceremony.  The owner of the guest house, his wife, and family (who we consider very good friends) arranged for a special meal in the courtyard.  Before we ate all of the kids (and some of the “big kids”) played soccer together.  The kiddos wore Kevin out with all of the games!  For dinner we had doro wat (chicken stew) with injera.  The table was set so nicely!  It was a beautiful evening.  We ate, we talked, we were encouraged to eat more, we laughed, we were told to eat more!  After dinner we moved inside for an extra special coffee ceremony.  There was tall grass spread around the coffee ceremony rug.  They had incense burning.  The popcorn was sugared and they had “big bread” from a large round loaf.  The coffee was amazing as usual.  Very dark with a little sugar.  Seriously the best coffee I have ever had is served at this guest house!  I might not sleep tonight after my two cups of amazing coffee . . . but it is well worth it! 

After the coffee ceremony our hosts had gifts for us.  This took us by complete surprise.  They really are way too kind to us.  I received a beautiful scarf.  Kevin and “T” were given shirts.  There are gifts for the other girls to open when we get home.  It was too much, but it shows the love and kindness of our friends.  We look forward to many more celebrations with them as well as many more opportunities to do God’s work alongside them.  The church and clinic that they serve are doing amazing things for the people in this area.  We feel very honored to have the opportunity to help them with their work.  We also feel great responsibility to spread the word about what they are doing.  This family is truly an amazing witness to how God calls people to serve others.  We are blessed so much by knowing them.  We had to say goodbye to them tonight, but it is only good bye for now.  We’ll see them again soon when we pick up Miss “M^”!  Hopefully sooner than later!

And it wouldn’t be a blog post without your Amharic lesson . . .
Dekinish – tired
Ish - Okay

1 comment:

  1. I just happened to be on my husband's (Jay Wright) Facebook page and saw pictures of your girls that your husband posted. And since we had adopted from ET, of course I had to look at your blog. SO CRAZY! We also used CCI and we stayed at the same guest house as you guys. I would know that rug and couch cover anywhere! :) Congratulations to you all! -Amy Wright
