(Picture taken in 2013)
There is a countdown on my phone. It tells me the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until the Burke Family leaves for Ethiopia. It is hard to believe that it is getting so close after waiting for so many years to return. I'm looking forward to the hustle and bustle of Addis Ababa. The smell of berbere that permeates the air.
I'm looking forward to being with friends there. I'm looking forward to leaning into the different pace of life that encompasses you there. I can't wait to share these experiences with all five of our daughters.
(Picture taken in 2013)
I'm looking forward to seeing random livestock sauntering down the street. I think I'm really ready to be somewhere that takes me out of my comfort zone again. Ethiopia is a place that is close to our hearts. Yet, at the same time, it is a place that we are continuously discovering. We learn new things about the history, culture, language, customs, and environment often. For us to be there, to now explore M^ and T's country of birth with them, this will be a special trip.
The empty bags have been sitting in the front room for a few weeks now. Today M^ and I opened them up and started filling them with donations that we are taking. It was a jolt of reality. This is really happening.
There are multiple pieces of our journey back to Ethiopia. I hope you'll follow our blog and virtually journey there with us.
One of those pieces is supporting our dear friends Zebene and Hiwot. They operate Fares Medium Clinic in Addis Ababa and serve the poor of that area. We are humbled to have the opportunity to take donations for their clinic. There are certain items that are expensive there or difficult to find.
These are the items that we have already collected. Thank you so very much to those that have made donations. Below is a list of items that Hiwot and Zebene have identified as needs for the clinic. While all of these are needed items, the greatest need is a hematology analyzer. If you are interested in making a monetary donation toward the purchase of that machine (or other items on the list) you are welcome to send a check to:
Redeemer Lutheran Church
525 St. Andrews Rd.
Columbia, SC 29210
In the memo list, Ethiopia Medical Clinic
Vitamins C, D, and B12
Over the counter pain medication
Surgical drapes
Surgical gowns for doctors and nurses
Surgical shoe coverings
Surgical masks
Surgical caps
Surgical gloves
Medical pen light
Electronic blood pressure cuff
Surgical, medical and obstetric forceps
Electronic fetoscope
Urine analyzer
Portable ultrasound machine
Hematology analyzer
Thank you all for your support and following our journey back to Ethiopia! There is still so much to prepare. I am sure that M^ and I, and the rest of the family too, will spend a long while packing bags, checking lists, and making sure that all is ready. There is also being mentally prepared for such a long trip, especially for our daughters who have not flown or been outside of the United States. Then there is the emotional element for T and M^ to be returning to their birth country after being gone for so long. It is a lot. A lot all wrapped up every piece of this adventure. Thank you for continuing to bless us with your thoughts, prayers, and support. Blessings to you and yours!